Explain BlockChain technology Transactions

You can describe BLOCKCHAIN technology  as a chain containing information from blocks. The technique is designed to time stamp digital documents in such a way that they can not be backdated or tempered. Blockchain's purpose is to solve the problem of double records without needing a central server.
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The blockchain is used for secure transfer of items such as money, property, contracts, etc. without requiring an intermediary of a third party such as bank or government. When data is recorded inside a blockchain, it's very hard to change it.

The blockchain is a protocol to the applications (like SMTP for email). But without the Internet, Blockchains could not be run. It is also called meta-technology, since other technologies are affected. It consists of several pieces: a database, application software, some related computers, etc.

Process of Blockchain technology Transactions
Blockchain technology is a digital ledger that records all transactions occurring on a peer-to - peer network. All information transferred via Blockchain is encrypted and every occurrence is recorded, making it impossible to alter the information. As a decentralized network, no central or certifying authority is required by the Blockchain networks. Because of this, these networks can be relied on for much more than currency transfer; in fact, contracts, records and other types of data can be shared across the Blockchain network. Encrypted information can be exchanged between different providers without risking a violation of privacy.

Blockchain has become immensely popular due to these attributes.
• Blockchain networks are internet distributed ledgers.
• Each action is visible to all; only lines can be added, and also after consensus.
• 'Peer to peer': No third party is required to complete transactions.
• Unbreakable cryptographic hashing guaranteed.

Step 1)
Somebody asks for a transaction, Crypto-currency, contracts, documents or other details may be part of the transaction. 
Step 2)
With the aid of nodes, the requested transaction is transmitted to a P2P network.
Step 3)
 With the help of known algorithms the node network validates the transaction and the user status.
Step 4)                           
The new block is then added to the existing blockchain once the transaction is complete. That is permanent and inalterable in such a way.Learn more from Blockchain online course

Need for Blockchain technology transactions
Here are some reasons why the technology of Blockchain transactions has become so popular.
Blockchain are often architectural replications. Most nodes still operate the chain in case of a massive assault on the system.
Time reduction:
In the financial sector, blockchain can play a vital role by allowing quicker trading settlement, as it does not entail a lengthy authentication, settlement and clearance process since a single version of agreed-upon share ledger data is available for all stakeholders.
Blockchain certifies the identities of interested parties and verifies them. This removes double records, lowers the rates and speeds up transactions.
Unchangeable transactions:
Blockchain certifies the unchangeability of all operations by registering transactions in chronological order, which means that it cannot be removed or modified when any new block has been added to the ledger chain.
Prevention of fraud:
You can share the information and consensus concepts to prevent potential losses due to fraud or misappropriation. As a monitoring mechanism in logistics-based industries, blockchain acts to reduce costs.
Attacking a traditional database means bringing a specific target down. Each party holds a copy of the original chain with the help of Distributed Ledger Technology so the system remains operational, even with the large number of other nodes falling.
Updates to public blockchains are available to everyone. This gives more transparency and all transactions are unchangeable.
It allows the parties to work directly with each other without the need for third party mediation.
Standards are in place on how each node shares information on blockchain. This method ensures authentication of all transactions, by adding all valid transactions one by one.
Versions of Blockchain technology
Blockchain 1.0: Devise
The DLT (distributed ledger technology) implementation led to its first and obvious application: cryptocurrencies. This allows for Blockchain technology-based financial transactions. It is used in payments and in currencies. The most prominent example in this segment is Bitcoin.
Blockchain 2.0: Smart Transactions
The new key concepts in the blockchain are Smart Contracts, small computer programs that "run." They are free computer programs that automatically execute and test earlier specified conditions such as facilitation, verification of compliance. This serves as a substitute for conventional contracts.
DApps: Blockchain 3.0
DApps is an abbreviation for decentralized use. It has their backend code running on a peer-to - peer open network. A DApp can have frontend code and user interfaces written in any language, like conventional Apps, that can make a call to its backend.
Variants to blockchain technology
Ledgers are available to everyone on the internet in this form of blockchains. It lets anyone search the blockchain and add a block of transactions. Public networks have incentives to join and are free for use. Anyone could use a network of public blockchains.
In a single organization, the private blockchain is in. It allows checking and attaching transaction blocks only to unique individuals of the organization. All on the internet, however, are usually allowed to access.
Within this Blockchain type, transactions can only be checked and implemented by a group of organisations. The ledger can be opened here, or limited to select groups. Cross-organisation consortium blockchain is used. It's controlled only through pre-authorized nodes.
Real-life use cases in Blockchain technology
1.Dubai: The Trendy City                             
Blockchain strategy was introduced by smart Dubai office in the year 2016. Entrepreneurs and businesses using this technology will be able to connect with investors and leading companies. The aim is to implement a blockchain base system that favors the development of different types of industries to make Dubai 'the happiest city in the world.'
2. Keeping Incent Customer
Incent is the Blockchain-based CRaaS (Consumer Retention as a Service). It is a loyalty program based on generating token for business that is affiliated with its associated network. Blockchain is exchanged instantly in this method, and it can be stored in user's phone digital portfolios or accessed via browser.
3. Humanitarian Aid Blockchain
This is a project called humanitarian aid that was initiated by the United Nations world food programme. The project was being developed in rural areas of Pakistan's Sindh region. Using the Blockchain technology, beneficiaries receive money, food and all types of transactions are registered on a blockchain to ensure that this process is safe and transparent.

Limitations of Blockchain technology Transactions
Higher costs:
Nodes pursue higher incentives for completing transactions in a company that operates on the supply and demand principle.
Slower transactions:
Nodes prioritize higher-reward transactions, transaction backlogs build up
Smaller ledger:
 A full copy of the Blockchain is not feasible, potentially affecting the immutability, consensus, etc.
Transaction costs, network speed: Bitcoin's transaction costs are quite high after being proclaimed 'nearly free' in the first few years.
Risk of error: As long as the human factor is involved there is always a risk of error. In the event that blockchain functions as a database, all incoming data must be of high quality. Human involvement, though, can resolve the error quickly.
Any node running the blockchain has to keep consensus across the blockchain. This offers very low downtime and makes the data stored on the blockchain un-changeable forever. All this, however, is inefficient, since each node repeats a task to reach consensus.
I hope you reach to a conclusion about BlockChain technology transactions. You can learn more from online blockchain training


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